18 y
Re: MSG and Aspartame Detection
I just wanted to thank you for this post, and others you've so generously shared.
I've been practising with a pendulum and using the Perelandra finger test method for several years, but never really thought to test widely for
Mono-Sodium-Glutamat (Natrium Glutamat) (believing that I didn't purchase anything with it in, or if I did, I had replaced those things: began to make all my own vegetable broths; don't eat prepared foods hardly, if at all, except very good 'health food' and so on) even though I'd read recently of the numerous ways its presence can now be hidden in EVERYTHING.
I've been doing so much generally to be vital, to *return* to an ideal of health I'm not sure I can ever remember fully experiencing. (vaccinations, dental metals very young, and so on...)
But this has got me thinking I've ben neglecting a very important part of the picture. Important too, maybe moreso, for my elderly mother, to whom I've just passed on your information.
Thanks very much again