Dental/Sinus Infection
I have been researching this website for over a year, thanks to curezone I have started a path to better health. I have a longterm sinus infection from a dental infection (
root canal #14) left molar, it took me almost 7 months to figure out the sinus problem was probably dental. Long story short, I had my mouth cleaned of all metals by a biological dentist is Tijuana 5 weeks ago, had 2 catitations, 4 almalgam replacements, a bridge replaced with non-metal, they had a doctor come to the office (holistic doctor who works woth Dr
Hulda Clark ), he did a saliva test to make sure metals were out of my mouth before they replaced almagams and the bridge.
The dental experience was over all very positive, I had never been to a dentist office that had compassionate Dentists that treated me well, yes they are on business to make money (like everyone else) I just think it's hard to find a medical or dental doctor that has your best interest.
So it's been 5 weeks since the metals were out, 2 1/2 weeks since I went back and had stitches taken out of the cavitation. I felt really lousy the first 2 weeks, then I started a very mild chelation of once a day oil pulling three weeks ago, this week I started Cilantro and vitamin C 4,000 mg's a day. My sinus condition is a little better but not gone yet, it started on the left side above #14 molar, when I was in Tujiana it was discovered that #15 was also infected they pulled and did the
cavitation surgery to both sockets. I had the dental infection for about 2 years, symptoms started in the left sinus only in April 2006. The doctor in Mexico wants me cto come back and stay for intravenous vitamin C chelation (Dr. Frank Canez) he is trained by
Hulda Clark , but my intiuition tells me I need to go slow with Chelation.
With this info does anyone have a similiar experience? How Long did it take for the sinus to clear? Any suggestions? or can I be of help to anyone.