18 y
Re: Using MMS in activated solution for topical treatment of fingernail fungus.
There are many topical applications that will work. With toenails it's
almost impossible to keep them saturated with anything long enough to get them
growing out seated in their nail bed. Fingers may be a little
easier. I have fought the toenails for many years.
What most people don't realize is that the fungus for both the fingernail and
toenail are in your blood stream. It is there waiting for an opportunity
to come back. The only way to kill it is - in the blood stream. I
tried that 30 years ago with prescription medication without success for
toenails. (Particularly with toenails it gets into socks, clothing, and
bedding, and the fungus lives for a long time independent of the body. The
same is true of the fingernail fungus though it doesn't get into as many things
as toenails do.) It boils down to how bad you wish to get rid of it.
Within just the past few minutes fresh urine (I drink mine fresh, otherwise
it begins to turn to ammonia) has been flowing in your blood stream. All
fetuses float in their own urine and it goes into their lungs. Urine goes
a completely different route through the body than the fecal material that
people associate it with. It is pure, it is antiseptic, and after a few
days of ingesting it the strong odor and taste go away.
It is a matter of choice, but we have been so negatively programmed that
sometimes it's hard to let go.