Heya - not sure your age & health level, but I started this cleansing stuff at 29 and never had the horrible detox from any cleanses/fasts that I've read about. Mine are all very mild. Sometimes mild headaches or a day or two where I want to sleep a lot (on my Master-Cleanse aka lemonade fast it was day 4-5 the first time). I have always exercised and my diet had sometimes been quite bad but I was not very overweight and I'm not a coffee drinker. Some people that come here to heal are in very poor health. So perhaps you're just not that overwhelmed with toxins. I don't feel much from juice fasting but I feel lighter and my tongue will coat slightly when I do the lemonade fast because the cayenne intake gets you cleansing more. Either way, there's lots of writing on the benefits of fasting and I believe it personally b/c it feels good to me, so hey I say enjoy the fact that it's easier for you!