I had the same problems myself, several years ago, and they did the same thing to me-put me on bc pills. They helped for awhile, but like you, the bleeding came back worse. I finally got a complete hysterectomy because I was so sick of hurting and bleeding all the time! I know you probably don't want to go to the extreme of that, but I hate to say it, but that's the course you will probably have to take-I hope not though, and I hope someone can come up with some solution for you. I don't have one, but just wanted to say that getting a D&C is not anything bad at all-all that means is that they are cleaning you out-getting rid of all that gunk in you. It's the same thing they do when a person has a miscarriage. I would definantly let them do that, because you don't want all that clotted blood up in you. I'm sorry about your problems though-I know how miserable it is! I can definantly sympathize!