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Re: Why is this forum so dea?
sanctuary2 Views: 1,657
Published: 18 y
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Re: Why is this forum so dea?

I am also a female and have been losing my hair on and off for over 20 years. Whenever I go through something really stressful, I lose hair. After a while it grows back and I forget all about it. But about 6 months ago I started losing it again, really noticeable. I had been using minoxidil for 7 years and every time I stopped using it, my hair would fall out. But even the minoxidil had lost it's effectiveness so I stopped using it. I tried everything. I was really desperate. The hair loss was so noticeable. I was trying so many things that it is hard for me to say exactly what worked in the end. I did have very low iron and I supplemented that. But I also had very low zinc and I think it was probably the zinc in the end that did the trick. Anyway my hair started growing back. After many many weeks it's still only an inch and half long where it is growing back. And it is still very fine all over. But it had stopped falling out in chunks which was just wonderful.
But now the last few days it has started falling again. I am still taking zinc and iron (and loads of other stuff). I just moved house which was extremely stressful so I have to put it down to that. Hopefully it will settle down again and stop falling out. Unfortunately the most stressful thing is having your hair falling out, so it's kind of a catch 22. Just have to try my best to relax and not worry about it.

The problem with hair loss is it is so individual and so many different things can be the cause, which means that different "cures" will work for different people. I tried things that other people had swore by and they did nothing, so even made it worse. The trick is finding what works for you, and that can unfortunately be a very long and arduous process.


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