Re: Getting a cold after going on MMS.
As I have posted before, I got a cold about two days after starting the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement . I had never had a severe sinus infection before, but I got one! I also had a lot of coughing and sneezing, along with copious mucous. That was mid-October. I still have the cough. I stopped the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , thinking I would wait a few days to resume, but having to go out of town and deal with a family situation, had not resumed taking the
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement until two days ago. The cough had become much worse while out of town, then subsided this past week. After resuming the MMS, I am once again coughing heavily and coughing up thick mucous. My kidneys have been hurting this morning, too.
I still believe the cold, coughing, etc., is a result of taking the MMS. However, there is some part of my mind that tells me I should have it checked out by a doctor to make certain I don't have walking pnewmonia.
I intend to stay at two drops a day (MMS) and gradually increase. I have been up to eleven drops once a day, had severe diarrhea, then dropped back to two drops twice a day and increased by two drops each time 2x day. At the first morning dose of nine drops, I had severe diarrhea and vomiting. That is when I went off the MMS for a time.
Any thoughts from anyone concerning whether this could be walking pnewmonia or if I should just consider it all the workings of MMS????????