You do NOT have to go to 8 drops 3 x per day, or 12 drops, or 15 ...
Doing 3 - 4 drops, 4 x per day will take care of whatever ails you, when combined with pure water (a liter per day per 40 lbs of weight) and a shift to a more alkaline diet.
Think of this as a LONG term solution, a lifestyle change ... a long walk in the pleasant forest on the way back to the House of Health, rather than a mad dash through the swamp of Miracle-Mineral-Supplement .
And please reduce your drops immediately so that you do not have any more episodes like you describe here ... go down to 4 or 5 drops, whatever you are very comfortable at.
I agree that taking it after food may be the right thing for you ... I do that myself sometimes when I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach.