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Wishing you Wellness...
Azurite Views: 1,762
Published: 18 y

Wishing you Wellness...

I was in the checkout line at my supermarket today. A young mother was standing behind me with her son. Although I know it is the Christmas season now, and energies are running higher at this time of year, the boy was verging on ADD-he was quite hyper.

I looked down and saw he had an odd bandage around his whole foot. I asked about it and the mother said he needed an operation for his Achilles tendons because they were 'too tight'.

I studied the young boy's posture and saw his shoulders were hunching forward and his back was awkwardly mis-aligned. I asked about the impending two operations for surgically cutting his Achilles tendons and learned that the bandaging was a pre-operative procedure. The mother explained the two operations would correct his overly tight tendons.

I quickly went into mental overdrive and thought of Doc Sutter. What would he say? I gently asked her if she had ever visited a chiropracter and she said she had used one in the past. I suggested that maybe the child's posture needed a little adjustment since he had a forward hunch in the shoulders. I also suggested an alignment might help him with his nervous system (since he was bouncing off the candy shelf). She was very polite and said she would give her chiropracter a call.

All we can do is share what we know and see. Sometimes we just feel a little helpless on this planet. Maybe our gifts are to be fearless in expressing ourselves in the moment and let the chips fall where they may. I hope this kid can get into the hands of a healer.

Wishing everyone Wellness on the Winter Solstice. May the Light always shine upon you Doc and may you continue in your Healing Ways!



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