The question you ask is impossible to answer in a decent fashion due to lack of information.And even with the info. it would be difficult to make suggestions on something of this magnitude.Has the cancer issue been debulked by surgical intervention?If so how succesfull was it and is the cancer issue confined to the tissues involved?If you ask an oncologist about taking chemo. which is what they do and all that they do they will market it highly.You need to know how well the Toxic substance works relevant to your particular issue.Ask for numbers for the math never lies.Then you will have to decide if you will use chemo. or not.You can always stop during treatment as well YOU ARE IN TOTAL CONTROL and DONT give that up.You can always wait and watch as well while trying to let your own body return to balance.I personally think that allopathies war on cancer has failed miserably.Try the healing institutes and be more than a conqueror of all lifes issues.Be healthy wealthy and wise.