While On The Subject of Liver Flushes - Few Questions
Hi Moreless,
While on the subject of liver cleanses, I thought I'd ask a few questions as I am one of those people whom the liver cleanses helped greatly but also did a lot of damage I think as I didn't know how many minerals were being stripped and was advised not to replenish good bacteria while doing them and to let the body do it itself. I think the advice came with the very best of intentions but was not right for me.
My questions:
What is the difference between bile salts and actual bile. I notice in bile salt supplements that they are all 'acids' whereas I thought bile had a alkazlizing affect on the intestines? Are bile salt supplements just the salts from bile stripped away from the actual bile and if this is the case, would it be much wiser to take an actual bile supplement (ox bile)? After 13 liver cleanses, my liver seems to be producing a less than adequate amount of bile and subsequently my fat/ calcium absorption greatly suffered. I have quickly receding gums and cracking bones which I never had prior to the cleanses. I am of course totally committed to your protocol and believe it will help resolve the problem but wondering if I should take a small supplemental bile with each meal to support the liver while it 'reawakens?'
I do have bubbly urine so know that there is excess nitrogen waste. I am taking a pinch of epsom salts with each meal as well as the full drink two to three times a day and epsom salt, baking soda, h202 baths almost every day. Am I correct in assuming that I need more magnesium until the problem is alleviated (ie no more bubbly urine?). My diet is largely green and root vegetables with some wild fish (salmon and cod liver oil) and chicken.
My last question in lieu of all this information is: if I am not getting adequate amounts of bile, is the body able to absorb calcium and is this likely why it is pulling from my teeth and bones? If this is the case, is the body able to absorb the alkalizing drink without adequate calcium? If it is not being absorbed properly, can it cause more problems having excess in the blood and being deposited in the joints, kidneys, etc.?
Thanks so much for your help Moreless. Your information has helped me greatly. As an addendum to all this, my tongue is clearing of the white on the back and no longer any sign of fungus on my body and small plantar warts on my hands disappearing with your alkalizing protocol and baths so I know I am on the right track and my body is going to heal itself. I am just hoping to halt the teeth and bone problems so I can avoid dental surgery which will of course put more poisons into my body which I want to avoid at all costs.
Best wishes,