I'm so happy for you that you had no problems with Mirena. But you are part of the problem. Telling women they are imagining their symptoms and that there is nothing wrong. I know for a FACT that I suffered for a very long time, before I even began to consider that Mirena might be the problem. I racked my brains for MONTHS trying to figure out why I was having all of these weird problems all at the same time. I've always had a head full of thick, gorgeous hair. Now it's just a whispy mess. I've gained about 70 pounds because I have NO energy ever. Even when I get plenty of rest, and even though I take vitamins and drink the amount of water I'm supposed to. My appetite has a mind of it's own. I would go on, but I just realized that I don't have to sit here and explain myself. Again, I'm so very happy for you that you didn't experience any trouble. I would love to say the same thing. I thought this product would be the answer for me and my husband. Now one of us is going to have to face being "fixed" so we won't get pregnant again. I should have known better.