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any ideas of what these are?
julie819 Views: 1,464
Published: 17 y

any ideas of what these are?

I think i've posted this before, but i really need to know now if anyone else gets these and if they know what they are.

randomly (usually always in the morning) i get these dark red blotches on my lips. sometimes there's one, this morning there was four! it looks as if i just took bright red lipstick and a toddler colored on my lips.

they usually always show up where the skin on my lips breaks or cracks. does anyone have any idea what these are? i have extremely sensitive skin, but all i'm using is vaseline. maybe that's not okay to use directly on the raw skin?

this might lead to helping me. why is it only in the morning? it kind of reminds me of how a baby gets red patches when they have a diaper rash, i know that's gross.

so yeah- help anyone? Oh, also they're pretty embarassing.

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