18 y
Re: Four Quotes About Forgiveness.
Thanks Owen
There is something to be said of the power of forgiveness.
If the side which has harmed you much does not change the status, that is, does not recognise the faults, the bad treatment, or even worse strives to knock you off course intentionally and you see this intention never letting up......
1)There is complete avoidance and dismissing the person/ persons as people who dont understand. Ignorance tends to raise ugly deeds. Knowing they dont understand lets you bypass hatred so you dont get offended in the first place therefore no need to forgive.
2)There is also a feeling of hurt which may never go away, ( if you let it, that depends on the severity of the damage ) but with kindness and replacing a wrong with a right could bring the two parties together.
Dwelling on situations and replaying them over and over again to analyse them may prove fruitless in the end. Deciding the person did not mean to intentionally harm you may prove to be the best case in closing up old wounds.
There is nothing wrong with keeping a safe distance between you and that person/people in the future that is if you do not harbor hatred to the point where your energy is lost and mind preoccupied with how deep the cuts are. Only to keep a distance to avoid future problems.
Also there is nothing wrong with finding distaste for a persons actions, but to leave this distaste at the actions themselves. Give no power to evil thoughts, what is evil and what is not God alone decides. It could be the person was in a weak moment, going through a weak period in life, lost, unable to distinguish what is harmful and what is not.
It may take time but we can over come our fears of one anothers actions with time.
Afterall we are not to be afraid of men or evil. But to put our hope and love in the source. I hope we can all learn to forgive, it truly is something we can't live without.