From Fasting to Feasting (Don't try this at home but I did!)
After my 27 day water fast, my body sure loved its newly acquired taste for healthy raw food, and I think I overdid it a bit at my local Tesco. Despite warnings to the contrary, I did manage to fill myself up with lots of lovely goodies, and I did put on the pounds, fast, as you can see from the graph! As I mentioned, weight every 1 day = fasting, weight every 2 days = refeeding. Oh and first days in November - no scale available :-)
However, this may not be as bad as it seems. Overall I still lost 12Kg, and I was aware of the fact that lab rats put on weight more quickly during refeeding, see this abstract - full text here (not had time to read it all yet). My weight does now seem to have stabilised, and is slightly less than yesterday, even though I did not record it yesterday.
I have also performed a full fast cycle, right up to refeeding, so I know what to expect next time, and in doing so I have also gained a taste for good food. So next time I will be starting off at a lower weight, and I will be better prepared, both mentally and physically.
So, looking forward to fast number 2 in January. Who knows, I may even start before then if I am in the mood.