18 y
Re: chelation with amalgams
"I have run up against a brick wall with chelation. I have a mouth full of
Amalgam fillings and as I take stronger amounts of chelating substances, I notice perceptable amount brain fog plus a noticeable amount of anti-social behavior."
So you're saying that you are chelating with mercury
Amalgams still in your mouth?
Its very likely you are poisoning yourself even further because you can be pulling mercury out of the
Amalgams into the bloodstream.
When done properly, chelation is meant to detoxify your body by using chelators which will bind with heavy metals in the system and slowly carry them out via elimination pathways.
If there is a large source of mercury in your body like amalgams, it is wise to remove it first before any chelation because chelators can also remove heavy metals from these
Amalgams and put a tremendous load of heavy metals in your bloodstream and poison you.