Re: A note for the sake of historical accuracy
I too applaud her bravery and insight...but stumbled on how she downplayed the Zionists/Christian role in all this.
I feel religion and the attachment to old, outdated ways has been used to manipulate the "little" people...the ones who go out and fight and die, to do the bidding of the wealthy. You have to press a lot of hot buttons to get someone to strap a bomb to themselves and then set it off...and the higher ups in the middle east know deeply the attachment runs in the man on the street to the old ways, and they know just how use it to their advantage. The little guy may be thinking he is fighting for his way of life and his God, but with the big guys it is all about oil and power, just as it is for us. Our government uses religion different ways, but it is just as effective.
The upside is that if we don't kill each other off, a side effect of Iraq and the rest of the middle east upheavel may be that the people there will be liberated from such horrible, dark age mentality and be able to join us in the 21st Century.
With any luck, they will not throw out the baby with the bath water, and they will retain the good parts of their old ways, as there are good parts to not living as if you are a consumer rather then a thinking, feeling human being. Western culture has lost much of its soul, (we were always a little shy in that area) and I think this is why many of them tend to look at us with horror.
Technology with soul. Now, there's a concept!