300 Years of Psychics
Just to touch on the point about Sylvia being a gifted spiritualist-
Sylvia's grandmother, Ada Coil (whose maternal lineage can be traced to Prussian royalty), was also a gifted psychic in Kansas. Their psychic abilities can be traced back 300 years.
Sylvia's great uncle, Henry Kaufholz, her grandmother Ada's only brother, was also a medium. The 6'6'' large blue eyed man left Missouri and became part of the old Florida Chesterfield {Spiritualistic} camps.
Sylvia found several of his works(dating back to 1890-1912), which she always had in her possession but never read them until recently. Being a psychic medium and a researcher (like Sylvia) he believed in the soul's time line. In his works he mentions things which were from his grandmother who was also psychic and a doctor in Germany, which, as Sylvia puts it- was quite a feat in those days. The collection includes poetry, letters and articles.
Sylvia states that the spiritualist movement which included research into the paranormal, had enjoyed a revival, especially in Europe, but soon died down as the new century progressed "thanks to the work of so many charlatans."
Here's a sample of Sylvia uncle Henry works- keep in mind this was written over 100 years ago.
The spiritualistic answers agree as to the revival of the indidvidual after the death of the body, and a mass of evidence is proferred which, in the opinion of all those who have carefully studied it, places the fact of revival beyond dispute. When every possible DEDUCTION HAS BEEN MADE FOR FRAUD, HALLUCINATION {AND} SELF-DECEPTION, there remains an irreducible minimum of evidence, which is sufficient to prove that man survives on the other side of death. The evidence, as is well known, is obtained through the class of sensitives known as "mediums," and is of the most varied kinds- writing, materializing under trance conditions, or otherwise.
The greater part of man's consciousness is outside man's physical body, and can manifest itself through the medium of the astral and mental bodies in the astral and mental worlds. In "waking conscoiusness," the activity is shown through the physical body; but man is not "awake" all the time.
Consciousness is active when the body sleeps, and psychologists have investigated the "dream consciousness," and by the study of dreams, of trance conditions, hypnotic and mesmeric, they have accumulated a number of facts which show when the senses are deadened and the brain is inactive, the consiousness manifests certain powers more extensive than it can show during the use of its ordinary physical appartus. To put it into other words, the consciousness which works in the waking body is largely withdrawn from the body when it sleeps, and consciousness is less impeded in the exercise of its powers when it is working outside the dense and comparatively sluggish matter of the physical body.
In certain conditions of very deep trance the consciousness is almost withdrawn from the astral as well as the physical body, and then it works in still rarer regions, and we can have visions of the saints or passed loved ones.
Many an experience of happiness and of suffering are engraven by the consciousness of the spirits's memory {cell memmory} and appear as "conscience or knowing" from a subsequent life, as the impulse to do the right and abstain from wrong.
Our future is in our own hands, for the Spirit who is "man" {God} is the inner ruler immortal. We create our future {making our chart} by our present {learning lessons}, for we live in a world of law and for him that lives NOBLY death is but the entrance to a larger consciousness of knowledge and another life.
As Sylvia puts it- even back then we had knowledge of past memories, cell memory- the only thing missing was the gigantic statistical findings.
By the way, Sylvia has, in her over 50 years of being a working psychic, volumes of evidence which she and her staff have compiled over the years.
You see folks, she can put her money where her mouth is and offer everyone the statistics to prove, not that she's legitimate, but that YOU and I have lived over and over and that we are direct descendants of God.
Now that's worth $700 buckaroos to me.