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Re: What Kind Of Water
jana Views: 4,824
Published: 18 y
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Re: What Kind Of Water

You can really just bypass all the controversy and use the straight lemon juice drops, and then add the (non-vitamin C) juice to that.
I have develop such a strong reaction to the taste of the mixture, that there is no way I could evem IMAGINE drinking it up straight with no juice and with just a water.
At lower doses, maybe, but once you get close to ten (at least for me) - forget it!
I need the juice to mask the taste.

So to make long story short - I never even used water in the first place, (just the lemon juice) and it works for me very well anyway.

Oh and as for drinking the water, I do not know anything about chlorine dioxide reacting or not reacting with minerals, but I do agree with spdina on overall drinking of the distilled water - it does not appeal to me at all and I have heard from several sources, how it is not a good idea at all... (including one pet psychic, among all others... OK, laugh, if you want, but this pet psychic or communicator was working with the "problematic" cat in someone's household... one of the problem was, the cat was being given just a distilled water to drink and he hated it, he wanted something "alive", and once he was being given a fresh, filtered water, he was fine)...

well, pet psychics aside, there seems to be something inherently weird and "dead" in such a processed medium and I personally do not feel attracted to it at all.

But then again, whatever works for anyone, I say let them stick with it, if it does.
I, myself, prefer something lot more natural and "live" (like fresh well water, WOW!... maybe filtered if necessary. )



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