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Re: Cold Extremeties.

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Published: 18 y
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Re: Cold Extremeties.

It's not uncommon at all to freeze your @$$ off on the Master-Cleanse any time of year. Your weather doesn't help...
I'm shivering just reading your post.

I would suggest high cardio exercise and I'd even continue on drinking a couple Master-Cleanse cocktails during the day with lots of cayenne to get the circulation going(room temp). I'm hopping in the sauna and steam bath as soon as I'm done here!!

In the future, and for those who may experience the shivers(or other ailments) during the MC, I think it is a good idea to always finish on a high.

You are obviously stuck in low gear and need a boost to shift into high gear.

Drinking lots of water(warmed is really good)and hot teas. There are many causes for poor circulation and cold extremidies,iron deficiency, smoking,asthma,anemia, etc...

If you are resonably healthy , I suggest breaking out that ol' cast iron pan if you aren't using it already, great source of iron. More:

Note that vitamin c greatly enhances iron absorbtion.

Since you are chilled to the bone I'd bring up the body temp for a long period of time, like that sauna or steam I mentioned, or a nice 'cuzzi. Simple high carb
foods are good too...make your soup more like a stew...

Finally , the best advice I could give is to stand on your head for 2 minutes per day, use inversion table or do specific Yoga asanas...that would probably do the trick. Sometimes the heavy toxins/metals don't get shuffled around enough.

that's my two pennies...

Happy Holidays...


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