A visit inside a state of the art spark plug factory in China
A visit inside a state of the art spark plug factory in China
Not that long ago, the US was the leading maker of spark plugs in the world, as we once were with many other consumer goods.
Here are a few visuals to ponder whenever you think about the erosion of the dollar and our standards of living, loss of markets and jobs, and the quality and safety of what we import.
High tech, cleanliness and safety equipment in abundance.
Installing the center wire, conductive powder and terminal screw to the insulator. Hmmm, those look like new shoes that guy has on.
Setting the gap (Note the new nail job and new vinyl jacket suitable for photo day at the "state of the art facility"
.Deburring the shell (note the "safety bandage" on the thumb)
No work gloves of safety glasses needed to "widen the gap" between Chinese and American spark plugs.
What's a few metal shavings and exposed wires when the rest of the workers furnishings are so lavish? Awfully dirty stools and conditions for such clean and nice clothes.
Welding the wire into the shell - note the "safety bandage" on the thumb and the ground wire wrapped on the steel upper lathe rod. Hmmm, this guy is actually dirty and not wearing new or almost new clothes like everyone else
High voltage inspection stand complete with conduit on floor, no panel backing, wooden panels, etc
Just like in America, the owner is just one of the guys and gals.
Nice clothes racks. Note the oil fumes hanging in the air. Since all the people are in street clothes for photo day, this might be as good as it gets.
It would not surprise me if, as soon as the photo op was over, the worker got back in their grimy work clothes and had to work extra to make up for the lost production. Naturally, besides the contrast with how such grimy and unsafe working conditions, low wages and substandard equipment make it impossible for the U.S. to compete with the price of their products, there is the issue of the plight of the workers themselves. And the scary thing is there should be no doubt that if the people who are behind a one world economy and government get their way, it is our working conditions that will deteriorate towards those in the photos and not theirs which will be raised.
Do you really think that there is a great deal of difference in many of the plants that make the vitamins, mineral and other supplements we import? Or the children's toys? Or all the food we import?
DQ/Tony (whoever the heck I am today - lol)