Re: Emotions and Health
Thank you Scott,
As I said before, you seem like a very caring individual, I appreciate your suggestions and comments. :0))
I REALLY am not doing that bad Scott, at least not for someone who has had MS for as long as I have. I consider myself lucky, there are so many others who are much, much worse off than I am. Most of what I see and read and report deals mainly with others, not myself.
I have had multiple sclerosis for a LLLOOOONNNGGG time, I dont take any mainstream meds, other than a med that I make for myself that isnt recommended for MS.
I run my own business, have a great family, and generally am very happy. I am somewhat upset that the disease I have limits my abilities, but thats a physical thing, and I just feel that no matter WHAT I believe, it wont get much better. I think you're right, your frame of mind can determine many things about yourself, but I also feel there are some things that are beyond what things like yoga, breathing exercises,etc., can do.
I realize this goes against the grain here, but I just cant keep from posting how I really feel, it may come off as negative, for that I aologize. But I cant change the way I am simply because others dont understand me.