I take adderall for my ADD. I noticed when i take it, i have clear skin. But once i dont take it, i break out. Not to mention if i go missing one dosage of antibiotcs pill which i take twice a day. I know im not suppose to be on them, i been on them for 10 yeras now. I hate them, but they are da only thing that give me a reason to live, Cause wiht out them id look like a huge Acne on two legs, and i would hate life and not to mention i probably woudlnt fall a sleep cause of the pain i would get from having those ho0rrible acnes comin back on my scalp. SO anywho, i wanted to say ADDERALL it works for me and i was wondering if any1 else has experienced this or does any1 have an explanation for me? ALSO I WAS WONDERING IF ANY1 KNWOS ANYTHING ABOUT ANY FAT EMULSIFIER PILLS. I WOULD LOVE GIVE MY GALBLADDER A HELPIN HAND WITH THE FIGHT AGAINST THE FATS IN MY BODY.