Re: Severe Excema Cured!
PS - I dont know that this is always the answer as it applies to a problem becoming worse by one remedy or another, but there is a separate anecdote from J. Christopher curing people of severe skin cancers using Chaparral. This was during the era when the FDA was still in the process of trying to demonize Chaparral. (this goes back several years). According to Doc, at that same time, there were two doctors at the University of Utah hospital who'd made some waves when they cured a Native American of skin cancer using Chaparral. They also succeeded in getting a prominent newspaper to tell of this story....and that was their ultimate demise. Within the month, the FDA had these two doctors (one named Smart, the other one I am unsure of the spellign) relieved of their jobs. Within a few more weeks the FDA arranged to have the new outlets release the headline "Chaprral makes skin cancer worse!, Chaparral_is_dangerous!!".
Doc then went on to tell the rest of the story that the FDA didn't. Chaparral works by bringing the cancer to the surface. Some remedies work by helping the body process the waste/gunk internally, through the lymph, blood, excretory organs, etc. But, there are times when a body is too weak and cannot handle this method of elimination. An other route is eliminating throught he skin. As such this will make the problem get worse....for a while, before it then gets better. Again, I do not know if this applies to your situation with Bronner's soap, but it is worth noting that sometimes, it is not always a bad thing for a condition to get worse.... sometimes by necessity it must get worse before it gets better.