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It won't go away!!!
Raynbo Views: 10,898
Published: 19 y

It won't go away!!!

Almost 3 weeks ago I started filing a cramping sensation above the public bone, and it felt to me like a bladder infection. Eventually I started feeling a burning sensition almost all the time in my lower body - but not when I pee. Peeing is just fine. Sometimes I pee a lot, and sometimes not. But the buring feeling is worse when I have to go then when my bladder is empty. And sometimes I have spasms or sharp cramps too, when it is really bad. And I get emotional.

The doctor confirmed through a urine test that it was an infection. She gave me an antibiotic, and I started taking cranberry capsules. I also used a uninary herbal improved a little but did not go away. I was given another antibotic...and eventually some chinese herbs and acupuncture...but it didn't go away. I responded to these things, but was still taking them when my symptoms took a dive. The doctor gave me 3 days of yet another antibotic...and at first I thought I was cured, but on the third day - today - I woke up at 5:00 am. and had to go to the bathroom, which is unusal for me, and shortly afterwards had what felt like an anxiety heart started racing and it was hard to breathe. I had to get up and pace around breathing into my hands for five minutes or so. minutes.

Now I am buring all the time again, even tho I am still under the influence of the last Antibiotic (one a day and I finished yesterday) and taking the cranberries and chinese herbs (just re-started the herbs this morning, I did not take them while on the antibiotic.)

What is this? Could it really be a bladder infection, or something much worse? Like cancer.

I have no insurance, so being really sick is scarey. I also had an emotional breakdown last year, a severe one, so I could have done myself in.



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