Just thought I would report the amazing results I have had with taking black strap molasses for only a week or two. I got my period on Saturday night about 11pm and by the end of Tuesday I it was completely over!!! This is a very significant change from my usual 5 to 8 days!!! I think it would have to be one of the shortest periods of my life! Also I noticed hardly any clotting, but quite fluid and a lot of blood the first day and a half. No pain, but I don't normally get much pain. And the PMS was there, but it was much milder than usual, in fact I thought I was only in week one of my normal two weeks of PMS, but in fact I was on the last day of it! I can definitely put this all down to the black strap molasses!! I was taking it for its nutritional profile, but after my great period, read a whole lot of similar testimonies on earthclinic.com. So I am very happy! And I feel I have much clearer cleaner brighter energy and more of it, which I am also attributing to the BSM at this stage! I am chrinically severely anaemic, so maybe the BSM is helping with this! I urge you to do some reading here http://www.earthclinic.com/Remedies/molasses.html