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re: Moles (and warts)
  Views: 2,255
Published: 20 y
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re: Moles (and warts)

I would go to a dermatologist, especially for moles on the face, unless they are tiny ones. Black salve will leave big ugly scars. It will take a couple of weeks for even the small ones to heal. They are extremely painful. You must clean them twice a day and keep them bandaged in order for it to work. If you are absolutely determined to take them off with black salve, only do one at a time.

Regarding inheritance of warts: This is my personal interpretive opinion hypothesis and understanding about it. Warts are viral. If I understand correctly, after infecting a host, viruses will go to work Cloning themselves into the DNA, and I think maybe that is how we come to inherit them, and/or become susceptible to infection. Or both. So yes, they are most likely inherited. And, I heard somewhere that we are probably more likely to develop warts, when we come into contact with a particular HPV strain, if we already have the strain in our DNA. Not sure if this information is accurate, it's just what I've heard, and kind of made sense to me.

It is sort of a reverse vaccination hypothesis. People who are immune have not been innoculated, so to speak, is my understanding of it.



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