Unexpected feedback from dentist
Going in to the dentist recently to get some work done (i'm one of the people who neglected to brush/floss enough as a kid and as a result required a lot of work as I got older; no one to blame but myself) the dentist said something really interesting, because it was the first time in memory a dentist took that tone with me. To give you an idea, for years now, as a result of not taking oral hygiene seriously until my early-to-mid teen years, and even now that brushing, flossing and rinsing are an everyday part of my life, I can't seem to get to the level where all cavitations and other issues are 100% "taken care" of.. almost like every trip to the dentist to get checked out yielded something else that would be an eventual concern.
So he's ready to go to work, and doing the preliminary checking, and he said,
"Hmmm... I will say this, your gums are looking 100% better! I think if we get this [referring to the work he was about to do on a tooth] done, you'll be in REALLY good shape!!"
At the point where he said "Hmmm" there was the thought that he was about to point out yet another thing that was going to require correction- more bad news or negativity. When he said something positive it was really stunning because it had been years since the last time a dentist took that kind of positive and hopeful tone with me.
The significance of this..? Been using
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement for about the past week, gotten up to 6-8 drops 1-2x a day and I swish it around in my mouth and gargle with it for a few seconds before consuming. Not using anything else that would affect the teeth/gums in particular and still brushing and flossing regularly so this is interesting hearing it from a trained professional who's not even aware of
Miracle-Mineral-Supplement , that it appears to be effective for this purpose.