weight in gold
By no means am I perfect, and perhaps I have been just a bit too cruel to the group of VWT, BUT I think MOST would agree that they deserved everything they got!
I have tried to apologize and make things right but they refuse to ever compromise; it is their way or no way!
They act like Curezone is their personal playground where only their rules apply. They like to intimidate others and I am not one to stand by and watch; I believe in sticking up for JUST causes.
I have noticed that they have been on their best behavior lately, so perhaps I am worth my weight in gold!
I feel very good about the information I place here on Curezone and I try very hard to be open minded and fair, but there are certain people on Curezone who are just so closed minded, for example the group I mentioned a post or two above, they simply refuse to look at things any other way than what they know and their negativity ruins others opportunities to learn!
I feel bad that Spirit has to deal with all this crap, he has a beautiful thing going here and this website has incredible potential. But when you are dealing with people who are sick and unhappy in life this is what you are going to find...misery. I think Spirit needs to shuffle the Moderators around because to many play favorites! They will even avoid handing out deserved credit to those they don't like, which is bad for all! Good information should never be hidden!
This website is a mirror reflection of many of our societal issues...and just like the real world it will never get any better if we continue to remain in our toxic state of being!