Re: 1'st LF results, craziness, and thanks!
Thanks for all the replies. That might be it but it's so hard to tell. I didn't see any red strings on mine and even the open ones were just kind of squashed with the inside right next to the outside. That did make obvious that I was seeing the same thing.
Plzchuckle, great name by the way, I have the same problems coffeeholic, intermittent chocoholic, and being born in New Orleans I'm genetically predisposed to be a foodaholic. The holidays are making this more difficult aren't they. I just started all of this last month. What a time of year to start. Turning down all those yummy home made sweets at work is going to be tough. Going home during the holidays will be impossible. It's mama's southern home cooking. Not only does my mama do it well but for some reason her cooking is intertwined to her self-esteem. I'm sure she'll see my new diet as "unhealthy" and feel it as a personal affront. Once she left my sisters house without a word because my sister didn’t want her to cook on her, ie mom's vacation…and when I say left it was after everyone was in bed. They woke up and she was gone. It's part of mama's legend.
I'm soooo impressed you are planning on doing this during the holiday. I was thinking I'd work to get myself under control and then just do damage control the week I'm home but you're right it's so much harder once you give in.