Re: Homeopathic question
Hi samantha,
Well, there's a lot to sort out there :). Classical homeopathy is quite different from the way the NET remedies are used, and the NET website doesn't seem to even say exactly what the ingredients are, so it's hard to say.
My guess is that they're using organ remedies to support better organ function, whereas classical homeopathy gives one single remedy according to the picture formed by all of your symptoms and various characteristics.
If you'd like to know more about how homeopathic remedies work in general, I could answer that and/or point you to material to read about that.
One essential understanding in all of this is that the aim of treatment isn't simply to make symptoms go away. Ultimately of course that's what we want. But even allopathic medicine can make symptoms go away, while making the underlying condition worse in the long run and having symptoms return later.
What we really want is to get at the underlying disturbance, which will ultimately fix the symptom, although it may not be the quick-fix we'd all like, but it will be the most effective one. Often there is what's called a "healing reaction" where things seem to get a little worse first before they get better.
This can be likened to a house renovation, where you know that you're really making an improvement, but at first it looks an even worse mess than it was before! If you didn't understand the process and were only looking at it superficially, you'd think that something was going wrong because the outer mess looks worse (symptoms).
It's the same way in which people often think a treatment is going wrong, when it's really just this healing process which stirs things up temporarily before things get better.
Now, sometimes the treatment really isn't the right one, and the process really isn't going in a good direction. But a skilled practitioner should be able to make that distinction.
My preference for treatment is the Heilkunst system of medicine. That is the complete system developed by Dr. Hahnemann, who is usually known as the founder of homeopathy, but his system includes much more. See
for info about that.