The reason would be if your body is not ready to handle a flush. If that is the case, it can be too stressful on the body, and make the candida worse because you will be in that toxic circle which is a magnet for candida. It all goes back to one of the basics of healing - that you cannot heal faster than your liver can detox you. The goal of the flush is to clean the liver so it can detox you more efficiently, but if the flush itself is too much of a burden, you get the opposite effect. Timimg your flush is everything. Even Andreas has acknowledged that people "can" be too ill to flush, and will need to do other things first (what those other things are I don't reacll) before the body will accept and easily recover from a flush. Perhaps the mini flush will be a good thing in this case, until one is ready for a full flush. There have been reports of candia patienst doing great with flushes, and also reports of it sending them back even further (even if they follow his protocol to the letter).