I just joined this site. I don't know if this information will be of any help to you but, it can't hurt. I hope all is well with your treatment for breast cancer. First and most important-you do need fat (as found in the Atkins diet) BUT, it need to be from (primarily) pature free cows, free range chicken and ORGANIC RAW MILK (ck out www.westonaprice.com) . STAY FAR FAR away from soy. There is a book titled "From the Soil to the Stomach" by Penny Kelly-it is a godsend for keeping the body healthy-esp. when going the cancer treatment. Thereis so much info out there-if you have specific ? I will try to answer them. Penny Kelly has a farm in Lawton,MI-it is called LILY HILL FARM and it is a healing center. It is wonderful place. She has a web site www.lilyhillfarm.org. Penny has her PhD in nutrition and is a Naturopathic doctor. She has some great info also.
God Bless