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Question about Cayenne...
b2reflect Views: 1,440
Published: 18 y

Question about Cayenne...

I posted this on last post on cayenne but have not received an answer so am asking again, seeing it is no longer on first page.

As for the vaseline, there must be something better to use to keep those parts protected. Vaseline is petroleum and why would anyone want to put gasoline on themselves? (Yes, I did years ago, and now, I do not...)

OH, so the question is...what can be used instead of vaseline?

Also, would a person want to do this in a bath right before bed? I understand the blood comes to the surface of the skin, so (in my grasping of this) then will you be wide awake afterwards...filled with energy? OR will it help you to relax and sleep?

Thank you in advance.



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