Something interesting...
Due to my toe exhibiting 'behaviors' of gout, I have been told by folks that either have gout or know someone who has gout, that is what has been going on with me. I even read in a journal I sporadically keep that back in 2004, I had problems with my big toe. I have not gone to a doctor to have ever had this verified.
Now with all that said, I have drank cherry juice, taken ACV baths and even did the castor oil method that Azurite explained in a post on this forum. All seemed to help. The castor oil method seemed to work the best, of all of them. YET, it did not seem to actually ever leave. NOW, I will confess to not have changed my eating patterns a whole lot (at least, not consistently) especially now that the holidays are here!
I purchased a distiller from Sears and received it in the first part of November. Until last Wednesday, it stayed in the box. I decided to do some cleaning and thought while cleaning it was time to pull this out of the box and UTILIZE it. I washed it and ran it through a cycle, as suggested in the instructions. After which, I made my first distilled water and in AM after it turned off (mostly, I have been doing this in the evening before I go to bed...has time to run and cool off.), I transferred it to my jug for work. LOL I will admit that this water is not tasty as water from other sources!...LOL Yes, I do know it is a matter of getting used to it. I drink lemon in my water...most often.
At any rate, the past several days, I have been drinking that exclusively for my water intake. I still have had tea or pop, not as much though. This morning I woke up and (with no changes in diet) noticed my toe was not noticeable. I bent it and there was no pain, more precisely not considerable pain. It is, when I consciously mess with it, a slight pain. Otherwise, it is not noticeable.
I am amazed and if it continues as is, within a week the 'gout (whatever it is/was)' should be gone. Also, if that be the case, then wowza, it would seem that other 'aches' would be gone by staying with the distilled water. OH and IMAGINE what will happen when I begin my fast in January?! LOL I will become too young to be old, as I tell everyone now!