Re: Husband's Symptoms....What is it?
Well, it is very difficult to solve multiple issues without knowing everything about a person...start with an allergy specialist to see if there are any
food allergies , or see a therapist who works with quantum biofeedback. SCIO can detect many issues in the body and if you can find someone in your area that would be ideal.
I have seen some really sick people get well by simply correcting their mineral balance and getting proper nutrition. Things like parasitic and candida issues clear right up just by getting the body in working order.
I disagree with any cleansing programs, especially colonics! Herbal support is fine but you really have to know what you are doing because herbs are medicinal and potent with strong actions on our organs.
Could be Lyme, but testing for this is a challenge, Igenx (hope I spelled it right) Lab is the best for testing.
I would start him on enzyme support with each "cooked" meal, a fulvic acid complex (MorningStar is great) for trace mineral support and a quality food based multi (but you may want to wait to see what his allergies are first).
"Water is only PUR and Britta filtered" Excellent, smart choice!
Be positive, he will get well!