Re: I had some weird stuff come out my flush the otherday, can anyone advise me what it might be?
Many people do not release much debris from the gallbladder and liver during their first few flushes. Sometimes it takes three or four flushes. If you don't see much of anything after four flushes, chances are your liver is pretty clean.
If your liver is congested, then it often takes three or four flushes to get things moving. Debris may be quite small for several flushes, then you get what some call the "mother lode" of stones, chaff and sludge. That is when you can really begin to see the difference that
Liver Flushing can make. You may find your skin is clearer and smoother, allergies are improved, energy restored, digestion improved, hormones are regulated and mood swings even out. You may or may not see all of these things, but you will see a difference as your liver is cleansed. A clean liver makes the whole body feel better. Keep going, but be sure and go at your own pace. Never rush things or overdo it. Your body knows what it needs.