I believe it it die-off as well, but I also think there is more to it just don't know what. I have been dealing with die-off for several years in my battle with candida, typically when I have a bad die-off episode from antifungals garlic, GSE, Diflucan, etc, I get a flu like feeling, headaches and some gut distress and some bloating but not to the level that I get with Humaworm. With the Huma I feel like I swallowed a basketball, I am so bloated my clothes don't fit and I burp not stop and need to find private places to relieve others avenues of gas, very embrassing at work...I guess since the huma is attacking more than just the candida maybe that is what is causing the extreme bloating, worms, bacteria, fungus, and viruses all at one time raising unholy hell in my gut over the eviction notice.