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Re: Life expectancy
HennaHead Views: 1,105
Published: 18 y
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Re: Life expectancy

Not addressed to anyone person.

Look at all of the things we have mopped up in our country since then.

Lead in bathtubs, silver, glassware, pottery, dishes, paint, windows, lunchboxes.
Mercury in thermometors.
Cigar, pipe and cigarette smoking.

Imagine blowing out a candle at your bed every single night and then laying down and sleeping in the fumes. Not having clean water out of a faucet instead you shared one bowl of water with every kid in your class before eating lunch in your school room. Pulling bug infested water out of a well. In America 80% of kids worked on farms of various sizes, becuase that was the way of life for most american's. Working in the hot sun day after day with and not having protection. Mice and rats had easier access to the interior of the homes where food was prepared. Clothing was not washed in a washing machine, instead it was done on a wash board in a barrel. What about the outhouse where your bottom and hands might not be very sterile after the event. Or walking downtown streets where fecal matter was dumped out of upper windows. Imagine that the insulation in your house was mule dung you pasted to the walls every day. Traveling exposed to the freezing weather just to get to the doctor or merchant store. Having to wear shoes you out grew 2 years prior. Waiting for wet socks to dry by the fire, or wearing them while damp to walk to school.

Murder, crime, polio, smallpox, influenza and rhuematic fever.

We were actually designed to live longer then 100.



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