Recovery or Cure with MMS any positive reports?
Recovery or Cure? Will any one please submit their feelings about where they have come with their treatments? What if any diagnosis did you have? Do you believe you have recovered from that diagnosis? The concern is that we may be just treating forever and never be over anything. I personally believe I am arresting my MS symptoms with MMS and prior treatments, and there fore CUREING my MS. I have been on this path for years. If I am not disabled in any way any more then I feel I don't have MS. Kind of like I recovered from the flu, measles, chicken pox ect you either have it or you recovered or are cured. My prior treatments some I continue to do they have included natural hormonal support, Essential Fatty Acids, Ozone, dmps chelation, many cleanses, Myers push, vit c and magnesium pushes, vitamin and mineral supplements, antioxidants, GH 3, Acth, B vitamin shots with folic acid. removal of dental amalgams and Dr Huggins protocol, cholonics, acupuncture, chiropractic, Zeolite and now MMS I may have left out a treatment or two but have chased this illness with many treatments. I have had good holistic Doctors and Friends. Finally I have seen many signs of improved health with MMS and have reduced the symptoms and some are now gone. Lungs are improved , skin, lymph etc. Please share your progress with me and tell us what your diagnosis and symptoms were. Thanks all Marlene