my first liver flush Questions
I am new at this and so I am uncertain when I should be checking for the stones. This is embarassing for me. . .I have been passing balls , what I believe to be fecal matter with my diarrhea, but I am uncertain now if that is what they are. I read that the gall stones and such would float so I looked and didn't see anything floating so I assumed that I didn't pass anything yet.
I was told to envision the stones releasing themselves from my liver and gall bladder and as I lay in bed last night, I could feel things moving down my intestines. I though it was the fecal matter, but I realized that it might have been the stones, because I thought it was odd that I was passing solid fecal matter along with the diarrhea. I am sorry because I don't know what is normal, since this is my first liver flush.
I guess I wasn't checking because I don't know when they should be coming out and if I should be checking with every bowel movement. I am sorry. I couldn't find any information on when they normal pass through your system.
I am also interested in knowing how often should I do a liver flush.