Re: Need Advice Please #2
Quinta Essentia,
I have never had fermented vegetables, but I just ordered the Probiotic LB17 and will start on it next week. I might try that next. Thanks for your reply
Thank you kindly for taking the time to write such a detailed message. Many of the steps you mentioned were very helpful. I have just ordered the Probiotic LB17 and it will be here Monday and hopefully it will get my system balanced again. I think I destroyed the good bacteria in my system last Jan. when I took two antibotics and then had the worse "D" I every had in my life. After that my constipation got progressively worse so that I had to use Senokot, Miralax, suppostories, etc. and I also took some
colonics which also destroyed the good bacteria so I know you are right about the probiotics.
You are correct about the Senna as I am trying my best not to use that. I do have that Smooth Move Tea and I only used it once. I got a headache at night and have been afraid to take it again, but I am thinking I might do that one more time and see what happens if I make it stronger. It didn't work that well, but I only let it steep about ten minutes, but I definitely need to clean myself out better.
Right now I am trying to take a cancer blood test because I am reluctant to take the colonoscopy for reasons I won't go into. I only have one doctor I have confidence in and he is a urologist in SF. Hopefully he will order it for me and I can rule that out.
Thanks again for your advice and concern. I am especially glad that you didn't hold a grudge for the advice I gave you on the
Christianity Forum because it was also intended for your good. Judging is only wrong only when you are guilty of the same thing you are accusing others of. We are to correct and encourage others to keep on the right path. That is just what you are doing regarding my health, but the spirtual health is more important because we are all going to die of something no matter now much we take care of ourselves. This is why it is so important to find a good preacher and church that are teaching sound doctrine in order to grow spirtually. Please don't give up trying to find one as you are a very nice caring person and I wish you all the best!