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Re: Reasons quackery persists
exploited citizen Views: 5,765
Published: 18 y
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Re: Reasons quackery persists

Quackery, Pot - Kettle - Black

Corporate medicine, some call it allopathy, is the greatest quackery around.
I had Crohn's disease, the corporate medical idiots said, 'Gee, the immune system is attacking some of the bodies own cells, we'll call it auto-immune'.

Then a group of real scientists came along and said, 'No, the immune system is trying to kill an intracellular pathogen known and M. Paratuberculosis, its living inside the cells provoking the immune response'.

Well good old corporate medicine was making so much money off me being sick, they decided to suppress the researchers, yank there funding, and deny the whole story.

I had to use suppressed technology, Dr. Bob Beck's protocol, to clear the infection.
I'm better now, but I hate corporate medicine.

We might seem nuts, but we are also f**king alive, which is a lot more than most of the people who blindly followed doctors orders can say.


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