hi there... I jsut started my first round of chelation with 12.5 DMSA every 3 hours and will be finished with a 3 day cycle of this on Tuesday. do you have to do this agian in 4 days? some people say they so this 3 day thing once a month... is it harmfull to wait and do it like that or do you have to do 3 days on 4 days off... can you drink in between? I am not talking about alot.. jsut maybe 2-3 glasses of wine. I am having a birthday aprty on Sept 10th and want to celebrate... I drink about once a month ... I went for 6 monthe plus with out touching any alcohol: I am not a big drinker by any means.
I also do eat very healthy and have done kidney cleanses and Liver Flushes on this path to detoxify. i was trying to do everything naturally, but have decided to do low dose chelation as my symptoms were just not going away.