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NH perspective on Epilepsy: We will have to agree to disagree
chrisb1 Views: 2,503
Published: 18 y
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NH perspective on Epilepsy: We will have to agree to disagree

Here is a question (originally sent to Dr. Bass) about epilepsy, which was answered by as many as 3 hygienic doctors on INHS email discussion list.
It is especially interesting since it highlights 2 current dietary methods: the traditional raw vegetarian diet of Dr. Shelton's Natural Hygiene, and the newer views of modern NH involving the insulin mechanism.

Hi Dr Bass;
I'm writing this email on behalf of a friend;
I was talking with my friend, who's brother suffers from Epilepsy with generalised tonic clonic seizures and learning difficulties. His cocktail of drugs include: Carbamazepine, Sodium Valproate, Phenobarbitone, Clobazam and Desmopressin. I appreciate that these may be the English names of drugs.
Are you able to treat forms of Epilepsy with a specific dietary regime or otherwise? It would be greatly appreciated to know that there is a chance of help for his condition, which conventional medicine seems unable to resolve!
I look forward to receiving your response.
With the kindest of regards
Peter (UK)


"Since that time (two years) she has had only one seizure, whereas before during a two year period she would have had over 700 of them."


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