Also posted in the Ask Tony Isaacs forum
Note: A question was posed earlier in my private forum asking about diet and epilepsy. As often happens, it became the basis for an informative article (http:/// and I decided to also post it here in the hopes it might prove beneficial - DQ
Diet and Epilepsy - Natural Help for a Vexing Problem
Over two million people in America have epilepsy of one kind or another - a disorder characterized by recurring seizures. While most of those who suffer from epilepsy use various medications to attempt to control their seizures, many have found relief in natural diet and other natural treatments.
While neither mainstream medicine nor natural alternatives can offer 100% success when it comes to the vexing problem of epilepsy, there are many natural ways that have been helpful to many - and without the adverse reactions and side effects that sometimes result when prescription drugs alone are depended on. Here are some of the best ones:
Source: Prescription for Nutritional Healing
*NOTE: The recommendation to avoid animal protein would by itself appear to eliminate using the Atkins diet, even though some suggest that it has had benefits for epilepsy. I would go further and say that I would never recommend the Atkins diet to anyone for any reason. It is my opinion (shared by a great many others) that Atkins got a great deal right but that his diet was ultimately fatally flawed when the marketing became centered around the simple and unhealthy formula of basically eliminating carbohydrates and eating just about anything else you wanted. including junk food and excessive unhealthy fats. Some carbohydrates are essential for good health and I am one of the ones who believe it was telling when the autopsy conducted on Atkins (and later covered up) revealed significant problems and major deterioration of virtually all his major organs and systems. Strict adherence to his diet may indeed result in weight loss, but you have to continue the diet to maintain the weight loss and an increasing number of studies which came after everyone jumped aboard the Atkins diet fad bandwagon indicate that such long term use runs a likely risk of developing chronic problems that can eventually be life shortening if not life threatening.
Essentially all of the above information about diet, save my opinions on the Atkins diet, and vitamins and minerals, and much, much more, is found in my favorite reference book for nutritional healing Prescription for Nutritional Healing, authored by an MD and Naturopath husband and wife team, which has been the bestseller in it's category for the past 20 years and is now out in a very recent 4th edition. It contains much more information epilepsy, including a lengthy list of the most important vitamins and minerals and other important considerations and steps to take - so much so that it would take me hours and hours to re-type it here.
I recommend that you purchase that extremely valuable book - in fact I recommend that EVERYBODY purchase it. The one I recommend is the latest edition and it costs less than $25 including shipping and is available on the internet and in bookstores everywhere. It may well turn out to be the best $25 you will ever spend. I consider it a virtual natural health bible. Unlike some mainstream apologists, I do not worship it as they appear to do medical science and mainstream medicine - but I surely do give thanks for having found it!
Perhaps a good plan would be to first give the book a trial by checking it out at your local library to see if you agree that it would be a valuable resource to have around the house for just about any physical condition.
(I like it so much that, if you should happen to follow a link to the book on my forum or website and buy the book, I will buy it back from you and give it away as a gift, just as I have already done for a very dear friend here on this forum - guess who!)
As noted earlier, no one can ever make a 100% promise when it comes to conditions like epilepsy, but I believe that there is the promise of very great hope for epilepsy, and just about every other condition or illness when it comes to natural alternatives.
Live long, live healthy, live happy!
DQ (aka Tony Isaacs)
Natural Health Advocate, Researcher and Author
"In health there is freedom. Health is the first of all liberties."
- Henri-Frederic Amiel 1828-1881st of all liberties."
"Nature alone can cure disease. Doctors cannot heal. They can only direct the sufferer back to the pathways of health. Nature alone can create, and healing is re-creation."
- Dr. Willaim S. Sadler
"Unless the doctor of today becomes the dietitian of tomorrow, the dietitian of today will become the doctor of tomorrow."
- Dr. Alexis Carrol (Famous Biological Scientist and head of the Rockefeller Institute)
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