Last round I tried to do about 50. I could only find 100mg capsules, so I would open them up and pour about 1/2 out. Not very precise, but I figure I was taking from 40-60mg. I did it for 3 days, and I was getting pretty "wacked" out by the 3rd day.
No, I didn't use DMSA. ALA seems to work well enough, and I'm kindof a "naturalist". Before I got a handle on this problem as Chronic-Fatigue-Syndrome and mercury, I went to a bunch of convential doctors and they put me on a bunch of different meds. Which really screwed me up more. Since then, I've had a real problem with even the idea of taking another man-made, artificial drug. But thats just me. DMSA is supposed to be pretty safe as chelators go, so don't let me scare you. Andy knows what he's talking about. I ignored his advice at first and made the problem worse for me...