Re: What to do?
Think of people as reflecting aspects of ourseleves. My view is that we on earth we have the opportunity to discover ourselves and this is only done by through meeting others.
If we have an issue with or about something then we will meet others who possibly also reflect these issues back at us. Some regard this as a sign of compatibility and it might well be, but others will use it as an opportunity to change the aspects of oneself so that `we move on`.
When we sort our own `problems` out, then quite possibly we will be attracted to others who don t have these sort of issues, and indeed we are led to look at other issues, if we so wish.
Sometimes a partner can help and lead you to a journey of self discovey. (if you are ready and so desire)
Love is quite often confused with need and control, but true love allows freedom and respect.
Unravel your life (if you desire to) and endure (enjoy)