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Re: Starting Day 2
valerie_cct Views: 972
Published: 18 y
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Re: Starting Day 2

We are at the beginning of the most difficult time of the year for fasting as illustrated by your husbands situation with the party and that of Amber84 below. Beginning with Thanksgiving and continuing until after New Years day, distractions that interfere with a fast can be overwhelming.

I'm a colon therapist, and yesterday I gave a colonic to a woman who said she been on a juice fast for 6 days out of a planned 14, but they went to her in-laws for Thanksgiving dinner and there was no way she could hold out with mother-in-law insisting that she eat heartily.

She said that the guilt feelings, plus how bloated she was following eating a large meal after 6 days of fasting kept her awake much of the night, and she hoped she could start over again on Saturday.

But for many of us these next 5-6 weeks may be difficult. Many companies have office parties, friends drop in, we get invited to parties, family pressures etc.

The only suggestions I can offer are to eat with moderation throughout the holiday season, and if you anticipate unwanted distractions or pressures during this time, schedule your fast for the first week of the new year. If you do, you won't be alone.

Early January is always a busy time for the colon hydrotherapy profession as colonics are often part of New Years resolutions, along with gift certificates being redeemed.

But whatever your situation, I wish you and other fasters all the best during these potentially difficult days, and most of all do not become discouraged if something comes along that disrupts your best intentions. There is always next year!

Happy Holidays, Valerie


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