Lugol's is superior and I can appreciate this information. What I do like about Providine is that I can mix it with my puppy's shampoo and it knocks that nasty doggy smell out of his fur. My daughter brought in a big branch of poison sumac last month and brushed it against my arm before flopping it into my lap. I immediately stripped us both down and covered us in straight Povidine. We stood for 30 minutes covered in orange before bathing. We did not have any problems with a reaction. Our neighbor's son and his Mother (who thinks I'm a healthfood nut) did not have such luck. They ended up having to go to the doctor. When I told her what we did to clean the skin she said she thought we were just lucky because Iodine was just for surgery and would have made no difference. I can't imagine what Lugol's would have done. Probably would have only needed to keep it on the skin for 5 minutes or actually just let it set.